In 2021, Drs. John Ebsteiner, Phileas Ruk, and Alison Levy submitted their “Multidimensional Slice and Cross-Universe Tunneling Theory” thesis to the Lootian theoretical physics community for peer review. In contrast to Dr. Lokton’s theory on the origins of Lootverse and multiverses, Ebsteiner et al. received positive feedback, as the analysis of empirical data confirmed their thesis. This article discusses the main points of their theory (supporting figures and diagrams herein were sourced from their paper).
1.0 A Primer
In its short existence, the Department of History and Natural Sciences (DHNS) has made significant progress in exploring and interacting with Arcadia, the first parallel world to be discovered. In addition, data analysis by scholars and physicists has yielded a comprehensive understanding of multiple realities (or universes), including ours.
For instance, we now know that multiple universes co-exist in an existential plane that can be connected by tunnels, scientifically known as “cross-dimensional socks.” Some of these universes share physical characteristics with our own and others do not even abide by our laws of physics on Earth, such as those governing time, mass, energy, and spatial constructs.
This discovery calls into question the Big Bang theory and the role of dark matter and dark energy in the formation and expansion of our universe. It is conceivable, then, that our universe could have been created out of nothing as a discharge from another universe where energy can be created and destroyed (in defiance of Joule’s first law of thermodynamics).
Additionally, we are better positioned to understand how information flows between universes than when our company’s core team (also known as the LNFT four: L. Baker, J. Duchenne, S. Hanuman, and S. Sumarroo) discovered the Tunnel. Here, the scientific community uses ” information ” to describe data and matter transference through tunnels. Ebsteiner et al.’s paper identifies four types of transference events:
(a) Digital Information Transfer (Type A), whereby digital information can be sent and received at both ends of a tunnel. Specialized devices are required to emit and receive information. It is well-known that the first such device was created inadvertently by the LNFT four while manipulating server and software configurations in an undisclosed location on Earth. Attempts to establish another tunnel using the same machine at a different site were unsuccessful, suggesting that both the site and the device configuration are essential for tunneling. However, the precise location of the tunnel is still a closely guarded secret.
(b) Transformative Filaments (Type B) can be likened to sending solid plastic filaments through a 3D printer that gets melted before solidifying. When quantum materials are pushed through tunnels at a particular angle (designed to contact the edges of the tunnels in transit) and frequency, this instantly transforms information into solid material at the tunnel’s exit point. Varying frequencies and manipulating frequency bursts on the one end creates an object’s composition and blueprint on the other end. Thus, this is called “remote physical printing” or simply printing.
(c) Reflective Objects (Type C) exist in one universe and are found as exact copies in another. It is theorized that tunnels enable quantum entanglement (the reflection of objects over large distances, even across universes), which explains how certain elements (planets, stars, etc.) from one universe can be found in the same state in another universe.
(d) Biological and life transference (Type D) refers to the specific transfer of living organisms. It is not currently possible for humans to travel between universes, although research in this field is ongoing. The layperson would likely be aware that the hypothetical event called “The Landing” alludes to when humans can travel and land in another universe. However, according to scholars, we are still far from making “The Landing” a reality.
Thus, a tunnel can be considered a fiber optic cable with four filaments carrying information between universes.

1.1 A Brief Recap of The History
It is widely reported that the Tunnel was discovered when the LNFT four received radio bursts from Arcadia. Using this information, they were able to determine the composition, structure, and motion of various objects from Arcadia, a process similar to that of radio telescopes on Earth listening to profound space events. However, there was no way to ascertain if information sent from the Earth end of the Tunnel was being received at the Arcadian end. Only when the Type B transference was discovered was the LNFT Four could print a physical device, like the one on Earth, to facilitate the transmission of information back and forth between universes.
This enabled a small Arcadian community to develop on Earth and form a governance system. Simultaneously, the LNFT four printed the first Arcadian space station, Einvaldi 1, approximately 25km from the Arcadian surface. Einvaldi 1 contains various chambers, including a gigantic space (diameter: 1.5 km; height: 100 m high) enclosing the Arcadian mouth of the Tunnel.
Subsequently, several other objects have been remotely printed, including Bat, the sonar device that provided the first map of Arcadia; LX1S, an Arcadian Satellite in partnership with Arcadian Ventures, which snapped the first images of Arcadia from space; and the LX1 Rover that landed in Arcadia and provided the first stitched visuals from the ground. Presently, an array of devices have been printed in Arcadia and are operated remotely through Type A transference.
The Arcadian community is now engaged in exploring Arcadia, working to build roads and buildings, create remote-controlled avatars, and use 2D, 3D, virtual reality, and augmented reality technology to experience Arcadia, all in anticipation of The Landing.
1.2 Indigenous Life
Based on observations from Arcadia, historians believe that various forms of life inhabited Arcadia. They identified five Epochs of Lootian evolution that culminated in a cataclysm (or virus) that ended most life about 100 years ago (in Earth years). Nevertheless, new artifacts are being unearthed every day, likely showing what occurred.
1.3 In The Press
In an attempt to describe our interactions with Arcadia, Dr. A. Levy posited:
“It’s like observing a planet that you can interact with remotely… What is so distinctive about Arcadia is that it is a new world with little in the way of intelligent life… [We] are therefore in a position to interact with the environment to a much greater degree than if we had encountered an advanced civilization… and potentially less dangerous [since] an advanced civilization could use Type B transference to send physical objects to our universe, which could have had catastrophic effects.”
Furthermore, she noted that “it would have been possible to introduce otherworldly weapons to Earth.” An information leak from the DNHS showed that Type B transference (non-life forms) from Arcadia to Earth had been accomplished. However, no official statement has been made on this topic, leading some to infer that this is due to the potential concern for global security reasons and commerce.
When asked about human physical tunneling, Dr. Ebsteiner was reticent. “We are beginning a long journey and are more like archeologists and historians for now. Our main task is to work with LNFT, DHNS, and the community to maintain the stability of the Tunnel and continue our probe of Arcadia. We want to build more advanced capabilities to interact with the Arcadian environment. Unfortunately, our technology does not permit human tunneling.”
On his end, Mr. Sumaroo, one of the LNFT four, considers that the advances in handling information flow from Arcadia could benefit Earth. “We built a solution for most interactions for an advanced civilization from the ground up. The cross-pollination between worlds means we can offer digital transformation solutions to Earth’s cities, sovereign states, and regions, large or small… [They] could quickly and at virtually no cost leapfrog towards highly digitized ecosystems. The impact could disrupt a multi-trillion-dollar sector and improve life for everyone.”
2.0 The Creation

The Multidimensional Lattice is the name given to the arrangement of universes in the existential plane (see Fig 2. Universes are denoted as M1, M2, M3, and Mn). The shapes of galaxies are depicted as uneven by Ebsteiner et al., although they share the following characteristics:
(a) They are all enclosed within finite borders;
(b) They are separated by space, known as the Multidimensional Gap;
(c) Inter-Dimensional residue, which behaves similarly to cosmic clouds, is created when the edge of two universes collide. Residue moves within the Multidimensional Gap; and
(d) Universes perpetually move and bounce off each other as they collide, constantly expanding and contracting the Multidimensional Gap.
Note. The empirical data analyzed by Ebsteiner et al. regarding the ELT disproved the earlier theory by Dr. Lokton, who proposed that a great void connected by tunnels separated multidimensional slices and that they were immovable. Below is the diagram Dr. Lokton presented at the 2021 DHNS symposium held on Zoom. Dr. Emanuel Rodo summed up the theoretical physics community's views of Dr. Lokton's thesis as "lacking basis in reality, replete with far-fetched extrapolations and the kind of drivel that only those who believe in a flat Earth could accept."

The approach taken by Dr. Ebsteiner et al. was to measure the information flow speed in the Tunnel. Using a sensitive timing atomic device, they determined that Arcadia and Earth were pulling apart at 0.01 feet per day. Furthermore, information reacting with the tunnel created interference during transit. Following further analysis, they determined that particulate matter was causing the interference, proving that Dr. Lokton was wrong, that “the void” was not devoid of value, and that the Multidimensional Gap was not rigid but “somewhat elastic.”

Dr. Ebsteiner explained that given universes M1 and M3, which were moving away from each other at time t0, they are predicted to eventually collide at time t1. Following this, the universes will bounce off and move in opposite directions (t2). This could lead to breaches or tears forming, where matter escaping through the tear creates a “hook,” attaching the sides of each universe. This connection between universes is referred to as tunnels. These can stretch and contract like a rubber band, with the extent of the stretching/contracting dependent on the amount of matter that leaked to create the tunnel (the more weight that is revealed, the more elasticity).
It is estimated that the current information pathway through the tunnel utilizes less than 0.00001% of the total size of the tunnel (t3). The constant expansion and contraction (t5, t6) could result in multiple collisions over time, potentially generating more tunnels between universes. Additionally, it is possible that, over time, the sides of two universes could tear completely, leading to a multidimensional collapse (i.e., when there are so many tunnels between universes that they merge).
2.1 Residue

The properties of the inter-dimensional residue created by universes colliding are still debatable. What is known is that the material looks like cosmic clouds, has the consistency of water, and can be dry to the touch, change state to become solid but brittle, or be more like rubber with an octagonal molecular structure.
The likely explanation for the creation of Arcadia is that the inter-dimensional residue of the right shape and consistency was squashed between two universes (one being ours) at t2. This created two straight sheets (“Forcefields”) approximately 1,000 – 1026 light-years in length. Subsequently, two additional sheets were formed by two other realities, making what is now known as the two short sides of the Arcadian world. Most representations of Arcadia portray it as a perfect rectangle; however, this is inaccurate as each of the rectangle sides is of a different size, and the height of the forcefields is not equal in length and thickness.

At t0, universes M1 and M3 created the long sides of the Arcadian forcefield. Then, M2 and M4, through the same process, made the shorter sides, which, with the pressure from the colliding universes, fused with the forcefields into a rectangular box. As M2 and M4 came together, this trapped physical and biological material between them at around 1025 light-years deep from the highest point of the Forcefield. The universes expanded outwards, stretching tunnels between them and creating the Tunnel. While it is unknown if other universes are made similarly, Arcadia is certainly a micro-universe resulting from the specific circumstances described above. It is uncertain whether the material leaked to form Arcadia came from our universe, another universe, or multiple universes.

Furthermore, Figure 6 demonstrates another characteristic of the Forcefield: its thickness is not uniform but is thicker at approximately the point where the trapped material (that created Arcadia) was leaked. This is likely due to the Arcadian lands pushing at the extremities of the Forcefield, which shifted to create more resistance at that level.
2.2 Forcefield, The Magic

A close inspection of the Arcadian Forcefield from the probes reveals that it is composed of octagonal membranes that are positively and negatively charged, with square-like connectors that are negatively charged. This complex system of interactions allows Arcadia to exhibit similarities with Earth.
“The Forcefield is a cloud-like material that is dry to the touch, cool at night, and intensely hot during the day. At night, it should allow physical passage through it, much like passing through a cloud curtain. In addition, due to Arcadia’s small size, objects should be able to pass through to the inter-dimensional gap and view inter-dimensional residue [as well as the sides of other universes], which is incredibly difficult and extremely rare to do in larger universes… [We know that] indigenous Arcadians built the statues of the gods outside of the Forcefields, forming an impressive sight,” stated Dr. Ruk, a member of Dr. Ebsteiner’s team.
“As the leaked material settled and the Forcefield kept moving, the interaction between the two generated an electric charge that moved the octagonal structures along the south-eastern corner of Arcadia. The intense heat produced by this process rose the Forcefield, creating an illusion of a sun. A secondary effect of this phenomenon was gravitational, with the electrical charge pushing downwards due to gravitational pressure.
The gravity in Arcadia is similar to Earth’s, fluctuating during the Lootian “day,” ranging from 9.49 m/s2 to 10.19 m/s2. This fluctuation is discharged at the Forcefield, dissipating the generated electrical charge by slowly moving upwards in approximately 15 hours.
Each time the fluctuation occurs, the gravitational gap decreases by approximately 0.000000000001 m/s2, suggesting that, in the future, there will likely be no gravitational fluctuation. This would cause the Forcefield to stop producing heat and light, estimated at approximately 1.6 billion years from now. However, it should be noted that numerous factors could alter this projection, such as a collision with another universe.
The heat from the Forcefield interacts with water to create oxygen and condensation, forming clouds. Other complex reactions also occur in the Forcefield, like a rapid temperature-like chain reaction, resulting in various weather conditions being pushed inwards at elevations between 2km and 5km. This complex ecosystem sustains itself by colliding with the other sheets [see Forcefields], producing chaotic and unpredictable weather systems, much like on Earth.”
Dr. Ebsteiner provided a comprehensive overview of the Lootian Forcefield in a presentation in January 2022. He emphasized its significance to life in Lootverse, attributing the following to the Forcefield:
- Light and heat;
- Oxygen, nitrogen, and human breathable air;
- Gravitational fluctuations;
- A sun-like effect and a moon-like effect;
- Weather;
- Electromagnetism; and
- The Underworld’s red glow.
An extract from his presentation is provided below:

2.3 Weather Ecosystem

Fig. 9 shows a simplistic Arcadian ecosystem. As the gravitational pulse pushes downwards, the landmass spreads towards the Forcefield. Most of the friction felt is on the southern side of Arcadia, generating an immense amount of heat at the Forcefield on one side, which lights up brightly in yellow. As it dissipates, the light rises and becomes fainter. At around 10km in elevation, the right conditions for magnetic dissipation occur, interacting with the opposing Forcefield to create a soft blue light that dissipates downwards and upwards (often referred to as the Arcadian Moon).
The same phenomena occur in the Underworld, although the red-brown color is generally attributed to the fact that the sheets [See Forcefields] are 1/1025th of its Arcadian land counterpart. The heat is not as intense there, hence the reddish color on the spectrum. However, temperatures in the Underworld can reach a staggering 120 degrees Fahrenheit due to the lack of a complex weather system in the Underworld (attributed in part to its lack of water, biological matter, and wind).
2.4 Lingering Questions and Curiosity
Most who come in contact with Arcadia have similar questions. Therefore, we transcribed the community’s question-and-answer session with Dr. Ebsteiner.
(a) Did Arcadia harbor indeginous life?
It is believed that, over time, beings evolved in Arcadia with humanoid-like features but likely with different DNA encoding. These early users evolved at a rate quicker than their Earthian counterparts. From recovered artifacts, it is known that users developed a belief system that led them to build temples honoring superbeings (what we would consider Gods and Demons on Earth) outside of the Forcefields.
As water is only found on the Arcadian land, the Underworld never had any form of weather, wind, or anything else. Nevertheless, it benefited from a thin layer of oxygen and nitrogen (no more than approximately 1km in parts). Over the years, certain mountains with fossil fuels have created oil, gas, and other exotic elements that have yet to be identified.
(b) What about the Arcadian Sky without stars?
Unlike Earth, the Lootian sky is dark and peppered only by trapped inter-dimensional clouds. However, NWDHNS has attempted to create Mega Space structures that resemble stars and other objects from a reflective behavior (Type C transference).
(c) Are there other tunnels from Earth to Arcadia?
There is only one known tunnel between our universe and Arcadia. Nevertheless, at least three other tunnels exist between different universes and Arcadia.
(d) Are humans the only ones exploring Arcadia at this time?
That is unknown. We have not come across any other life forms other than what we believe to be indigenous life.
(e) Is it true that some humans can have a vision from different universes?
We must be cautious when making extrapolations, as has been the case with Dr. Lokton.
Religion, gods, demons, heaven, hell, dragons, monsters, and so on may be a reality from an alternate universe that developed differently from other worlds. Here, we should consider the preceding statements from Marjorie Brown, a researcher, and Ph.D. in Physics:
“It is possible that humans possess the inherent capacity to experience Arcadia or another universe by attuning to proximal multidimensional tunnels. Without recognizing their location and potentially believing they are still on Earth, this could have further stimulated the imaginations of some to generate folklore, myths, and legends that had origins in a different universe.
Furthermore, there is an argument that life in some of those realities may endure longer than in other facts. When someone dies in one universe, the soul or body decomposition could dematerialize through tunnels and be transferred to other realities. This could explain why the tunneling between universes appears to be a “bright light at the end of a tunnel,” similar to what near-death experiences survivors on Earth have reported seeing. Could it be that they traversed a micro-tunnel to another reality? Might mediums be connecting to those who have passed away through another universe? Although we do not have conclusive answers, Arcadia could provide the solutions.”
(f) When do you estimate the Landing could be achieved?
We await additional breakthroughs from our engagement with Arcadia before responding to this query. Eventually, it may be possible to visit Arcadia (in our physical forms) instead of remotely piloting Arcadian life, and then we would have the answers.
1 Comment
This is mindboggling. The depth and detail in Lootverse is second to none. I cannot wait to see where this is going to be at in the next couple of years. Boom!