The popularity of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) has led Lootverse to release its own exclusive line of physical items, celebrating the talented creators who star in its fantasy parallel world. These NeoWorlder Card Collectibles are cards created out of the NFTs auctioned on the Arena. Each physical item has only three units; the first one is given to the winner of the original NFT auction, not applicable to resale. The other two are available for purchase in new auctions taking place in Satoshi’s Lounge – Lootverse’s official marketplace.

NFT fans can access rare items that honor notable artwork sold in the Arena, some of the most sought-after and expensive creations. The cards are made from premium material, framed in acrylic plates, and delivered to in a high-quality protective case (physical). Winners of the auctioned NFT will also receive an OpenSea token (Digital).

Auctions for NeoWorlder Card Collectibles are conducted using Loot Tickets (TIX) and the reserve price is 250 TIX. Should users lack sufficient balance, they can top off their TIX in their wallet via the Government of Lootverse on the interactive map. This process is set to be streamlined and simplified in the near future.

Tayce Bandeira Marchesi

Journalist, Marketing and Communications Manager at Loot NFT, and a curious explorer of Lootverse.

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