The evidence we found suggests that land was the most valuable asset in Lootverse. Since the discovery of this parallel world in 2019, we have been exploring its land and islands in full. Historical data collected by our researchers has identified six regions or kingdoms: The Great Empire, Royaume de Satoshi, Kingdom of Xbysl, El Territorio, Isle of Talos, and The Medici Principality. We divided these regions into smaller parcels of land of different sizes and shapes called districts. In total, 4,880 districts were documented, and our team began listing them for sale in the same year. Eight months later, almost 50% of the districts already have owners or are part of the Lootian Reserve to be used in the future.

The Isle of Talos was the first region to be sold out. The predictions of our specialists indicate that Royaume the Satoshi will also finish its districts by the end of this month. The Kingdom of Xbysl and The Medici Principality will be next in line, with all districts sold in the third quarter of 2022.

According to experts’ speculation, it will take another six months for The Great Empire, the largest region in Lootverse, to be fully sold out. The Great Empire has the highest number of available districts, with approximately 800 parcels still remaining.
Becoming a Landowner

Anyone from Earth can purchase land in Lootverse through our virtual representation ( Districts are listed for sale on our virtual marketplace, Satoshi’s Lounge, with new ones added daily. To participate in the live auctions, buyers must register and create an account with enough Tickets to start bidding. Here’s how it works: if a bid is placed in the last 30 seconds, the timer resets back to 30 seconds. The highest bidder, when the timer runs out, wins the district.
The auction is only closed when the winner pays for the plot. Land that has not been sold is then listed in the Buy Now section in Satoshi’s Lounge, allowing users to purchase it at the original reserve price plus a 10% fee. That is a quicker option for those eager to get their piece of this parallel world.
When choosing land in Lootverse, a user should consider some aspects. The dimensions and the location are just a few of them. A large property in the countryside or a small parcel with an ocean view can fit entirely different plans. If you intend to become a landowner soon, one piece of advice from our team’s real-estate specialists is to have a clear budget and project for your avatar’s existence in Lootverse.
Are you aiming to become a colonizer in this parallel world? Would you develop your land to be a lively functional district, or would you use it for a creative project? The plan you have in mind is more likely to succeed in one region than another? Would you benefit from an area that is already occupied by other users? or would you be happy to land as a new explorer in unknown territory? Will you need to expand your footprint in the future? Those are just a few questions to make a good and informed decision.
Real Estate Speculation
Currently, only ThemeWorlder’s land department can list the districts for sale. When all districts get liquidated, landowners will then be able to resell their land at the price they have established on their profiles. Districts located along the coast, close to relevant landmarks or highways, and connected to thriving urban centers can easily become more valuable and desired.

Since the beginning of this market, the prices have consistently increased by 0.02% for every batch of eight districts listed daily. However, when users are granted the right to resell their properties, this dynamic will be in the landowners’ hands. In a further step, those who developed their districts could also rent or sell buildings and building units, sharing the ownership within their districts. Those possibilities make our simulation of Lootverse even more accessible and diverse.
To check out the districts for sale, pay a visit to Satoshi’s Lounge today!