NeoWorlder’s Department of Science and Natural History has made a groundbreaking discovery that could change how we understand the history of the first discovered Lootian lands. During a routine excavation near the Einvaldi God platform, a stone with ancient inscriptions in the language of Loeic was found. These inscriptions date back to 503 LCE and suggest that the land was once referred to as Arcadia and its inhabitants as Arcadians.

This discovery raises the question of whether the world should now be referred to as Arcadia, while the term “Lootverse” is reserved for the entire universe made up of the underworld, Arcadia, and the various worlds or space structures in the sky. If this is true, it would completely change how we refer to the Lootian lands and the various inhabitants of the land as a whole. It would mean that the Galdarians, for example, would be from Arcadia and, therefore, also be Lootians (from the Lootverse Universe).

The implications of this discovery are vast and could significantly impact how we think about Lootverse, this parallel universe. It will be interesting to see how it is received and how it affects our understanding of the world and its history. This momentous occasion will require further confirmation and discussion among scholars. 

The Lootian Department of Science and Natural History has always been at the forefront of exploring and uncovering the secrets of the past. Their dedication to scientific inquiry and understanding has led to numerous discoveries that have helped shape our understanding of the world we live in. This latest discovery is no exception; we can’t wait to see what they discover next. 

It’s amazing to think about the long and rich history of the Lootian lands and how much we still have yet to learn about them. The Arcadian inscription is a powerful reminder of the complexity and depth of the world’s past, and it’s exciting to imagine what other secrets and insights may be waiting for us to uncover. The Lootian Department of Science and Natural History will no doubt continue to play a vital role in this process, and we look forward to the many more discoveries they will make in the future.

Translated Text from Loeic: 

“On this day, the people of Arcadia gathered together to witness the descent of Lord of Eisangord to the underworld. Arcadians traveled by boat from their realms to the northern edge of the world, where the majestic statue of Einvaldi stands, to bear witness to this event.” This is signed by the King of Xbysl, “for all Arcadians in all realms – may you find peace on all four corners of Arcadia.”

Read More: This Day in History: Text has Been Discovered in Lootverse

James Duchenne

Co-discoverer of Lootverse, the first parallel world. Engineer, lawyer, finance guy, and early bitcoin adopter with a passion for all things innovation and blockchain. Currently focusing on exciting experimentations in the fields of NFT and Metaverses.

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