Henry Ford is famously quoted as saying, “If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.” At the time, automobiles were scarce, unreliable, available only to the wealthy, and were not considered practical or helpful for meeting the world’s transportation demands. Nevertheless, Mr. Ford envisioned revolutionizing transportation by manufacturing reliable, cost-efficient vehicles, a goal he believed his company could achieve. Ultimately, Mr. Ford’s strategy enabled the Model T to be sold fifteen million times throughout its 19-year run, profoundly impacting all aspects of life globally and forever.

Fast-forward to the present day, when the cutting-edge tech world is clamoring for “metaverse” solutions, and the team at Lootverse has noticed that many in the tech world are not considering metaverse demands with enough insight. Similarly to the Ford story, the reality constructed by Lootverse is set to have far-reaching implications for all aspects of life, globally and forever. What is interesting, as was the case with Ford’s early work, is that there is currently no widespread adoption, no standardization of implementation or protocol; instead, existing metaverses are confined to their proprietary developments. The one that will gain mass acceptance is the one that best serves the needs of the masses. Business, social, and lifestyle-focused projects seem to be the most prominent directors of most metaverse initiatives. However, there is no unified definition of what form this should take; it is like a disorganized jumble of ideas. While this is a distinct stage of innovation, determining one’s destination requires looking beyond the problems that the majority sets out to address and instead considering the true potential of next-generation technology – this is the only way to ascertain whether our net is wide enough to catch the “big fish.”

The $MKONG team was pleased to see that Lootverse has cast it’s net worldwide. This is particularly exciting for the music industry, which has long been searching for a place in web3 it can call “home” – an area of focus for the Meme Kong partnership. Lootverse offers a complete, all-encompassing world, in which an artist’s new music can be fractionalized and circulated amongst their fan base. Still, business ventures such as merchandise, tour dates, collaborations, and fan engagement can all be carried out on the same platform. In addition, it is also equipped to serve literary authors and fans of written and audiobooks. It truly is a dream come true for artists and fans alike.

Additionally, Lootverse has an impressive roster of partners; over ten actively contribute to creating this parallel world that complements our current world. As the scope of Lootverse is vast, requiring architectural engineering, a governing body, a free-market economy, a proprietary blockchain, and a social platform to support the demands of commerce, communications, entertainment, gaming, metaverse, augmented reality, and virtual reality, such a collaboration is essential. For this reason, Lootverse has been nicknamed “Ready Player One” by various stakeholders in the crypto, NFT, and metaverse spaces.

Lootverse is not simply creating “faster horses” for those calling for Metaverse solutions. Instead, the aim is higher; robust enough to welcome the entire entertainment industry “home,” the platform has set out to meet all of the world’s economic, political, social, and technological demands with the help of its ten industry partners. Therefore, when seeking a metaverse solution, we should all strive for something more than we initially expect; instead of “faster horses,” we should search for a “Ready Player One.”

Austin Auflick

Project Controls Manager at Meme Kong


  1. WOW! $MKONG / LOOTverse partnership = BULLISH

    Very well written Austin. The parallel between an innovator like Ford and what $MKONG and LOOTverse is now building is quite telling of the value and importance of investing in them both NOW.

    I’m so excited to have bought plots in LOOTverse and $MKONG earlier this year!

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