Welcome to the Lootian map, a remarkable virtual platform where users can explore and engage with various map layers of Lootverse that offer unique experiences. To make your journey through Lootverse as seamless as possible, we have created a series of informative tutorials to guide you through the different features of our social tool. Let’s take a look at what our social tool has to offer. Our social tool can be found on the search bar on the top left side of the map. Here, users can follow their favorite accounts, businesses, and destinations. They can post updates on their feed, interact with other users, and use the customer support feature or the library for all their queries.

Users can direct their posts to all followers, a specific follower, a group, the library, or the support team. All posts cost 0.01 Tickets. By using this feature, users can share their experiences with others and engage with the Lootverse community.

Users can edit their bio under their username on their feed. Here, they can also view their follower count, fame ranking, and swear jar fee. The badges in the user’s profile describe their role in the virtual simulation of Lootverse. They can be a central banker, a parliamentarian, a user, or a portal operator.

The badges in your profile describe your role as a user in our virtual simulation. You can be any of the following:
- A central banker- a miner who creates Tickets in the Arena by participating in auctions.
- A parliamentarian- A user who partakes in our platform’s governance. They have the power to set motions and vote toward change in some of the parameters in our Lootian virtual representation.
- A User- All users receive this badge upon registration.
- A portal operator- A vendor licensed to run a third-party software application that authenticates with our technology to provide products and services to customers in our virtual simulation of Lootverse.

The mark icon lets users view and manage their followers and the accounts they follow. To follow or unfollow an account, click the mark icon near the account’s profile. Every time a user follows an account, they must pay a minimum of 0.02 Tickets. Half of this amount is burned, and the other half goes to the person being followed.

Influencers are users who rank between 1 and 500 based on their fame points. They can post globally for a limited number of times a week depending on their ranking. The top 25 influencers can post globally up to seven times a week. Those between 26 and 100 can post up to five times a week. Those between 101 and 250 can post up to three times a week. Those ranked between 251 and 500 can post only once a week. In conclusion, our social tool is a great way for users to engage with the Lootverse community and share their experiences with others. By understanding the features of our social tool, users can make the most of their time in Lootverse and rise through the ranks to become an influencer. So, start exploring and discover all that our social tool has to offer!
Read More: How to become a Lootizen