In 2019, a tiny, nearly imperceptible spherical anomaly was discovered at a business incubator on a remote island in the Indian Ocean. With a diameter of roughly two inches, it was invisible to the naked eye. Electronic devices experienced interference when placed within the sphere’s boundaries, but the disruption ceased upon removal. The discoverers soon realized that this enigmatic phenomenon was, in fact, an entrance to a stable wormhole.
Initially, they were baffled by the anomaly, speculating that it might be related to sound vibrations in a recently renovated office situated on the third floor of an old industrial building. Then, COVID lockdowns forced all businesses at the incubator to work remotely, and fascination with the anomaly waned for most. However, undeterred by the restrictions, a few of them ventured to investigate the anomaly further, employing advanced equipment such as a hyper-sensitive microphone and an electrical conductivity monitor.
They chose to record audio from within the anomaly. Initially, all they could discern was static, but eventually, they were able to isolate distinct sound wave patterns. When played back on their computers, they heard a “Loot-Loot- -Loot-Loot-Loot” sound, which resembled Morse code. As an experiment, they developed a simple software to translate the short sound bursts and tempos into Morse code and, subsequently, into their English equivalents.
The message they decoded was nothing short of astonishing. It spanned 51 hours and repeated non-stop in a loop, beginning with the translated words: “Hello life, we are beings of the flat realms. We speak now, but by the time you hear us, we will be in the underworld.”

While the complete message has remained classified, it became the cornerstone of human’s remote interactions with this parallel universe, which was named Arcadia, and paved the way for the groundbreaking insights presented in the Multiverse Slice Theory paper. Furthermore, the message offered crucial information on communicating through the wormhole, dubbed the Earth-Arcadia Tunnel (EAT). By fine-tuning the frequency of data transmitted via the tunnel, the discoverers were able to send various forms of data and, more importantly, materialize matter on the Arcadian side of the EAT. The materialization process is similar to pouring supercooled water (pure water that stays liquid below freezing) onto a cold surface. As the water leaves the bottle and touches the cold surface and air, it quickly turns into solid ice pillars.
Employing cutting-edge design blueprints, frequency manipulators, and data analysis, they refined their methods until they pinpointed the ‘clink’ frequency – a specific signal denoting a successful collision between two materials in Arcadia relayed to Earth through the EAT. This enabled them to receive real-time information from that world. With each breakthrough, they acquired a more profound comprehension of the physics governing Arcadia.
They discovered that the mouth of the EAT was suspended approximately 100 km above solid ground. In due time, they achieved their goal of encasing the wormhole in a vast polymer sphere. Building upon this foundation, they added new communication relays and radio telescopes to the structure, expanding its capabilities and reach.

With the help of partners, the discoverers founded ThemeWorlder project, a new world people initiative. Over time, NeoWorlder’s space installation in Arcadia grew in size and sophistication, transforming into the fully-fledged spaceport that is now referred to as Einvaldi. Today, it serves as a remotely-controlled hub of scientific innovation and exploration, acting as both the last port for relaying information to Earth and a launching point for remote-controlled machines, including bodies and rovers, within Arcadia.
December 1, 2020, marked a pivotal moment in our journey to explore the mysteries of Arcadia, as the LX1 rover successfully landed on firm ground and transmitted its first message back to Einvaldi, which in turn relayed it to Earth. From the outset, the rover made remarkable discoveries that pointed to the existence of a former civilization, as well as tantalizing references to an ethereal realm known as the Underworld. The NeoWorlder team was also struck by descriptions of celestial bodies, a language they called Loeic, and other wonders that hinted at the incredible breadth and depth of Arcadia.
As the LX1 rover continued to make its way through the Arcadian terrain, it made a discovery that would change the course of our exploration. After scanning countless objects, the rover ultimately stumbled upon a remarkable stone tablet reminiscent of the Rosetta Stone.
Etched with symbols, pictograms, and codes, the stone was the key to unlocking the secrets of the Loeic language and the hidden history and knowledge of Lootverse and its inhabitants. With this secret language finally deciphered, The NeoWorlder team was able to peer behind the veil and uncover a world unlike any other, full of magnificent creatures, gods, and demons.
The lore was awe-inspiring.
ThemeWorlder discovered a heartrending truth about the Arcadians and all other living beings, except for trees, plants, and similar life forms. A relentless virus ravaged their world. The few who miraculously survived the epidemic became infertile and incapable of reproducing.
With the demise of the last Arcadian, the entire species met its tragic end. Before succumbing to their inescapable destiny, Arcadian survivors journeyed across their lands, inscribing their stories, known as Echoes, onto stone tablets. These carvings served as a testimony to their existence—a poignant “I was here” declaration. This group of resolute storytellers called the Mosaic Caravan, persevered through 20 years (Arcadia Cosmic Era, or LCE periods), determined to leave a lasting legacy that would not fade into oblivion.
Through the study of the Echoes, the ThemeWorlder archeological team discovered the enthralling story of an exceptional Arcadian named Yoel, who lived in the twilight years of the Arcadian civilization. Yoel ingeniously developed a method to capture life forces within containers called orbs, accomplishing what was thought to be impossible. To provide context, life forces were vital energies that sustained Arcadian beings, entering their world through the process of reproduction. When an Arcadian passed away, their life force would embark on a journey to the Underworld, traversing through the quarry known as Hell’s Bucket.
In early 2023, ThemeWorlder successfully sent a drone from the LX1 rover through the Devil’s Pipe, an extensive cave network that spans from Hell’s Bucket to the International Lootian Sea and connects to a crevice leading to the mysterious Underworld. The drone detected energy clouds, thought to be residual life forces. Although these life forces lack individual personalities, they still bear the imprint of Arcadia’s history within their molecular structure, storing the culture, morals, values, and structure of their world.
The ThemeWorlder team came to understand that the Underworld functioned as a powerful attractor of life force, irresistibly drawing the essence of life from Arcadia, much like the magnetic attraction between opposite charges. However, the living bodies of Arcadia served as vessels, protecting their life force from this unyielding gravitational pull. It was only when their bodies gradually succumbed to the ravages of time that their life force weakened, and eventually, their demise inevitably returned that energy to the depths of the Underworld. Deprived of their vital spark, these once-vibrant beings disintegrated and decayed, yielding to the relentless cycle of life and death.
Meanwhile, on Earth, ThemeWorlder used real-time data from Arcadia to create a virtual version of that world. This representation is continuously updated as we receive more information.

Today, ThemeWorlder reconstructed the lifestyle of Arcadians across multiple virtual applications, covering aspects such as governance, commerce, and more, all based on the stories and insights we collected. Together, this produced a simulation of Arcadia in the form of a gated world where humans participate in an experiment that significantly contributes to their understanding of how Arcadians interacted with one another.
The knowledge gained from these interactions with Arcadia has not only deepened an understanding of the world but has also opened up new possibilities for inter-dimensional communication, collaboration, and research. As ThemeWorlder continues to explore the vast expanse of Arcadia, they hope to uncover more about this extraordinary parallel world and, in doing so, learn valuable lessons that may one day benefit humanity and our understanding of the cosmos.
ThemeWorlder hopes to take explore the potential for new scientific breakthroughs and technological advancements that have been inspired by the discoveries in Arcadia. From the development of advanced materials and propulsion systems to the exploration of the nature of consciousness and the mysteries of life itself, NeoWorlder’s continued research into this parallel universe has the potential to revolutionize multiple fields of study.
Ultimately, the story of Arcadia serves as a testament to human curiosity, perseverance, and an unwavering desire to push the boundaries of human understanding. It is a story of hope, of untapped potential, and of the power of collaboration across not just earth but other dimensions. And as ThemeWorlder continues to delve into the enigma that is Arcadia, we are all reminded that