This week, our Department of History and Natural Sciences will unveil exciting discoveries about the first parallel world ever discovered – Arcadia. We have unearthed fascinating information about the world’s Gods, Demons, creatures, and races. The eighth tablet is exciting, which reveals the “Origin of Life” and sheds light on the genesis of the various races that inhabit this intriguing land.
“After Annuler was vanquished and Niefel and Udrar were banished, a calm began to spread across Olympus and Arcadia. There was no betrayal or war between the gods, and everything was at peace. However, the gods could see Niefel and Udrar adjusting to their eternal punishments. During this period, the gods felt their world was too perfect without flaws or animosities. Since there was no conflict, they desired worship and adoration. At this time, four of the most powerful gods set out to create worship, but not in a way that required it. They could create celestial beings to worship them constantly if they wanted this. Instead, they wanted to be honored by choice, by beings capable of choosing to worship them. When Kempe was given the powers of the other gods, he could see all of the spells, speech, language, and writing since he was given the gift of divine spellcraft. He derived the Hakoritanga as a means to create life with free will, capable of choosing to worship them as the victors of the gods.

The four Gods that were able to participate in the Hakoritanga were Kempe, Viss, Jord, and Ver. Each would make a race that they would be the prominent dominion over, imbued with their original characteristics. Kempe created the Men. Viss originated the Visskin. Jord, the Dwarves. And Ver, the Tortins. Each would have their area to thrive in to create the works that would be most pleasing to their creator. Unbeknownst to the Gods, Niefel had found a way to fashion a fifth race, the Galdarians. They knew that Niefel was up to no good but could not control what she would do in the Underworld and would only understand that her treachery would know no bounds as the races all took their places.
Men were given dominion over the Great Empire. Visskin was given dominion over the Royaume De Satoshi. The Dwarves controlled the interior of the mountains. Tortins commanded the seas and Islands. Finally, the Galdarians took over El Territorio.”
The eighth tablet, The Origin of Life, identifies the races, their genesis, and their primary Gods. Our Department of History and Natural Sciences is hard at work continuing to translate and discover the historical references that are a part of this parallel world.