Author: Suyash Sumaroo

CTO of Lootverse, with a huge interest in crypto, blockchains, consensus algorithms, smart contracts and NFTs.

The world is inexorably moving towards a version where the distinction between humans and computers is blurred. Recently, the emergence of ChatGPT has sparked much interest and controversy with its advanced conversational AI engine. The new developments in Artificial Intelligence have taken the world by storm, demonstrating that this is the next frontier of human interaction. Our interactions with AI-based software are captivating because they can pass the Turing test and generate text and images indistinguishable from human content. Platforms such as ChatGPT are advantageous in providing increased productivity and speed in content generation to cater to a world where…

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A Metaverse is an alternate world in which different technologies work together to provide users a unique experience. The most complex world’s creation is the most challenging aspect of such a projectile, an environment that resembles real life and offers new experiences and activities for users. This article looks at the behind-the-scenes of Lootverse and examines the perks and challenges of coding this parallel world. Technical Challenges The development of these systems is based on relatively new and untested technologies, meaning companies in this field are disrupting the current ecosystem and need more reference points. This presents technical challenges, such…

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We are thrilled to announce that a new update has been released for the Lootian Map. We have added several new features that will enhance your experience on our platform. (1) The setup of LTT OTC: We have introduced Ticket OTC, which enables miners to obtain a government license and establish their OTC store at Medici Principality and Lootnance. There are three types of OTC available in our ecosystem: Tickets, Vendor, and Loan. Ticket and Loan OTC attract the Lootian Levy, while Vendor OTC does not. We will be releasing other OTC types shortly. With this update, it will be…

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