The development of the Arcadian epochs was a complex task to undertake. However, through the translation of tablets and documents that predated our discovery of the world, we in the LDHNS have identified many commonalities that are present worldwide, including cultural implications, buildings, architecture, and the heroes that feature in the lore.

The First Epoch

The first epoch encompasses prehistory and the first 2,500 years of the Lootian Cosmic Era (LCE) – 10,000 to 7,500 LCE. At this time, Arcadians were predominantly ruled by local magistrates, kings, queens, regents, and magnates, with the omnipresence of the Gods in their daily lives. These tribes would only band together in large-scale conflict when their way of life was threatened, returning to their isolated areas and having little contact with other regions outside the Tortin traders. The only exception was during the pilgrimage to the seat of the Gods at the Aristocrats Castle every nine years.

The Second Epoch

During the second epoch – 7,500 to 5,000 LCE – villages started to band together to form regional powers, and their buildings became more complex. Cities were expanding, and their understanding of science grew, although they remained fiercely religious in their interactions with the Gods. At this point, the Arcadians had begun to understand the benefits of power in numbers, and regional authorities were forming to expand their influence. Subsequently, the Lineage of Kings of Men, Visskin, Tortin, and Dwarves rose in prominence, ruling large areas of each realm under one banner.

The Third Epoch

The third epoch – 5,000 to 2,500 LCE – was a period of significant expansion and opulence. Arcadians marveled at their advances in building techniques and, although still deeply religious, had come to trust the power of science more than the Gods. Scientists were refining their understanding of the natural world and their ability to solve their problems. The Demons were still present and blamed for much of the misfortune and dismay, yet this epoch marked the first time regions were uniting into whole realms under a ruling class.

The Fourth Epoch

The fourth epoch – 2,500 to 0 LCE – was a time of scientific advances and cultural unification. Arcadians had unlocked the power of Ichor as a fuel source, fuelling a distinct car culture and industry. Ships were now powered by fuel, allowing sailing from region to region to become commonplace and strengthening bonds between realms. This epoch also marked the emergence of democratic governance, leading to a period of universal peace across most of the Lootian world. Disease did, however, ravage the population and left the world uninhabited and lifeless.

The Fifth Epoch

The fifth epoch is our current era, and we can interact with the land in a way that pays homage to the Arcadians who had inhabited it for millennia. Initially perceived as an uninhabited world, further discoveries have revealed that it was home to a thriving culture with remarkable technological advancements comparable to those found on Earth. The evidence gathered so far suggests the Arcadians not only survived but also prospered in this world, and we are still unraveling its many mysteries.

Read More: This Day in History: The Tale of Mulgarath III

Benjamin Hoffman

Lootian Dept. of History and Natural Sciences Director. Cultural Director Loot NFT Co. Academic, Historian, and Author.

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